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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Twitter is Not A Job

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Entrepreneurs need to understand that Social Media is supposed to be just that, social, not something to use entirely to promote your business.

John Mayer said Twitter killed his ability to write songs before quitting the platform entirely. Others can't walk away: Miley Cyrus and Nicki Minaj ultimately came running back to their abusive Twitter #boyfriends, and even the most successful Twitter artists are swimming amongst imposters.   A recent study found that 73 percent of Lady Gaga's Twitter followers are fake or inactive, more a problem with Twitter itself than Gaga. 

So what about your complicated relationship with Twitter?  The answer is probably this: for a platform with so much baggage, Twitter is probably still helping you as an artist or label on some level.   But it's time-consuming, and it's not paying the bills: tweet about some new developments, releases, and personal gripes, and you may get a rousing response and all sorts of fan engagement.  Tweet about a show, and more people might show up.  Blast a tweet about a new iTunes single, and you'll rally a few paying fans.  But most of the time, they won't be pulling out their credit cards.

You see, this is why, people need to be smart when they are using social media accounts, regardless of whether it is for business or personal reasons.  It can’t be a job.

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